
May 2009

‘Voicing Visions. Painting, Sculpture and Poetry’
Norwich 20 Group. Spring Exhibition. St Margarets Church, Norwich.
A book of photos of the artist’s work, set alongside poems, with an introduction by George Szirtes. It included a CD of poems read by the poets, which accompany images of the artists work shown on a video at the exhibition.


‘Norwich 20 Group. Sixty years of art’
A book compiled, edited and published by the Norwich 20 Group, celebrating the group’s beginnings in 1944, and foundation and naming in 1945. It includes a list of members, past and present, with their memories and photos of their work.


‘Hazel Mary Spencer’
A second article about the artist and her work, written in German by Brigit Heimbach and featured in a series of articles in the magazine ‘Gerburt in der Kunst’ (Birth in Art)


‘Images of Sexuality’ Hazel Mary Spencer
A full colour article written by Brigit Heimbach, included in a series on artists, past and present whose work is about birth. Featured in the German midwifery journal. ‘Kunst und Medizin’ (Art and Medicine)


‘Art of Birth’
An article written by M. Campbell in Women’s Art Magazine, about the artists and their work, showing at Brixton Art Gallery in the exhibition ‘Art of Birth’

June 1989

Three Day’s after Blasphemies. Patrick Fetherson. ‘Women and Art’ Show. Norwich.
After hearing her talk at the exhibition in Norwich, Patrick visited Hazel at home in Somerleyton, Suffolk. He gave her a book of his prose and poems about Christopher Marlow published in 1967. He also included a letter about himself and his ideas and said he admired her paintings.